We hope you will enjoy the photos and information on this site regarding our Highland Lynx Cats and Kittens! Our cats have been shown on ‘Animal Planet; Cats 101’ (video above); as well as featured in Cat Fancy Magazine! (The Highland Lynx is called a Highlander Cat by some. In actuality the Highlander, which had it’s beginnings as a Highland Lynx, has now become a separate breed registered with TICA. Some of our SherBobs cats are double registered as both Highlander and Highland Lynx.)

Choosing a Healthy Kitten
When you are preparing to purchase a new kitten you want to know that your investment is well spent and that you or your family will have a precious family member for many years to come. Here are some important things to know that can help you determine if a kitten is healthy and well adjusted. When you go to see the kitten(s) the first time, ask the breeder questions about the kitten such as their temperament, any Vet care they have had, how they get along with children and other pets, etc. Then sit on the floor near the kittens and observe them for the following:
Bringing Your Kitten Home
You have fallen in love with, and chosen, a Highland Lynx kitten and now you are just waiting for him/her to be old enough to leave Mom and come home with you. While you are enduring that difficult waiting period it is a good time to be sure you are totally prepared for a kitten to safely and happily join your home and family!

Why Your Cat Needs Probiotics
Whether your cat is young, old, sedentary or coping with a disease, he or she will likely benefit from Probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that help to improve the immune system, gut health and even mood and attitude. Check out this great article by one of our favorite Vets on the subject……..

A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal;
(A good person is kind to the beasts.)