There are so many negative aspects to declawing, it is difficult to know where to start. Many cat owners think it is a simple procedure involving removal of the claw, which could not be further from the truth! In reality, it is a painful and permanently crippling procedure where the first joint of each toe is cut off! Declawing involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. If performed on a human being, it would be like cutting off each finger at the last knuckle!
Some think that you put a cat under anesthetic and do a painless surgery and then their furniture and skin will be protected from the cats claws. The truth is far more devastating! Declawing a cat can have a number of adverse side effects, including pain in the paw, lameness, infection, dead tissue, nerve damage, bone spurs, and back pain. In addition to physical effects, declawed cats are also more likely to exhibit behavior changes such as increased aggression and biting, as they no longer have their primary defense mechanism. Another potential side effect of declawing is an increased vulnerability to stress, as the procedure can be traumatic for cats. It is also important to note that cats should not be allowed outside after they have been declawed, as they are unable to defend themselves against predators.
Declawing is never an acceptable mutilation as far as Sherbobs is concerned and we will not sell to anyone considering this surgery for their kitten or cat. If you need help with alternative solutions for protecting your furniture or helping to prevent scratches while playing, please ask us for suggestions. We are always glad to help!