Choosing a Healthy Kitten
When you are preparing to purchase a new kitten you want to know that your investment is well spent and that you or your family will have a precious family member for many years to come. Here are some important things to know that can help you determine if a kitten is healthy and well adjusted. When you go to see the kitten(s) the first time, ask the breeder questions about the kitten such as their temperament, any Vet care they have had, how they get along with children and other pets, etc. Then sit on the floor near the kittens and observe them for the following:
- Head: The eyes should be bright and clear with no redness, crustiness, discharge or shying away from light. The nose should be soft and slightly moist with no crust, sneezing, coughing or runny nose. The ears should be clean and free of excess dirty colored wax and should have no smell. Teeth should be white with no tartar build-up, gums should be pink (or black in some breeds) and no extreme bad breath.
- Body: The kitten should not be too fat or too thin (feel but not see, the ribs). The belly should not be hard or distended and be sure to check that the kitten’s rear end is clean and fluffy with no signs of diarrhea.
- Hair/Skin/Nails: The coat/fur should be soft and shiny with no sore spots or bald patches. The skin should be a healthy pink with no black specks (sign of flea infestation) or dandruff. Foot pads should be soft and nails should not be splitting or ingrown.
- Disposition/Personality: Basic personality is very important since it will most likely follow the kitten into adulthood. Kittens should be affectionate, playful, energetic and chasing toys and their litter-mates when not napping. They should not be aggressive (biting, scratching, hissing) or excessively shy (it is normal for kittens to be a bit shy and reserved at first however). If they have been well socialized the kitten should shortly become less afraid and more curious and interested in you. You should be able to pick the kitten up without much resistance after it has been around you for a short time.
- If possible visit the parents of the kitten so see if they appear healthy and have good dispositions.